One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Dual Enrollment Pathway to 3-Year Bachelor's Degree

Save time and money on your bachelor's degree with Dual Enrollment courses from Cedarville.

Students who earn dual-credit during high school can complete the following bachelor’s degrees in just three years!

  • Biology
  • Communication
  • English
  • Finance
  • History
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Music
  • Nursing
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Psychology
  • Social Work
  • Worship

Learn more by contacting Dual Enrollment today. Our advisors will work with you every step of the way to help you enroll in classes that will help you reach your goal.

Students who choose to pursue one of Cedarville’s 3-year completion pathways can minimize or even eliminate the need for undergraduate summer coursework by earning up to 30-credit hours selected from the course options below during high school. Students should work closely with their Cedarville advisor when choosing electives since some degrees require specific math, science, or elective choices.

3-Year Degree Pathway Course Options
CCP Eligible*
Credit By Exam
BTGE-1725 Bible and the Gospel3  
COM-1100 Fundamentals of Speech3 
ENG-1400 English Composition3
GSS-1100 Politics and American Culture3 
HIST-1XXX History elective3
HUM-1400 Introduction to Humanities3   
LIT-2XXX Literature elective3
PEF-1990 PAHL2  
BIO-XXXX Biology elective3.5 
Global Awareness elective3 
HUM-1XXX Humanities elective3 
Physical Science elective3.5
Quantitative elective3
Social Science elective3

*Ohio residents can take College Credit Plus (CCP)-eligible courses for FREE!

Transfer Credit

Please email before taking dual credit at another college. Not all courses will be accepted for transfer credit.

Admission to Your Degree Program

Completion of the recommended courses above does not guarantee admission to your chosen program, nor does it guarantee degree completion in three years. Students must meet program admission and academic requirements for acceptance to an undergraduate degree program (e.g.: music auditions.)

More Information

For information about the 3-year Degree Pathway, please contact one of Cedarville’s Dual Enrollment Advisors at 937-766-3333 or by email.

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